Thursday, April 19, 2018

Two dreams last night about a house

Awakened last night with migraine headache, which I still have so pray for me.  Once when I fell back asleep, I had a dream that I was in a house and it was moving day.  I was going from room to room unplugging every appliance.  Someone following me around the house asked me, "What if so and so finds out what you are doing?"  I replied, "I don't care what they think," and then I just kept going to the next rooms unplugging things.  The house already looked as if nobody had lived there for a while, with things strewn all over the rooms.
People it is time to move.  We need to be unplugging from this life.  The cares of this world should no longer be ours.  Moving day is fast upon us.
The second dream was a bit scary.  The house was different and large.  Many stories tall (maybe 3 or 4) There was someone who had come into the house with a machine gun and had begun to shoot up the house.  I snuck around from room to room warning the people that the woman with the gun was coming, (as if they couldn't hear the gun fire)!  The woman with the gun got angrier and angrier as she went from room to room finding no one to shoot, because they had already been warned.  She began to hunt whomever it was that was doing the warning.  It became increasingly hard to hid from her.  I had gotten through about one half of the house and I could hear and see that there were others on the other side of the house still calmly playing.  The gun woman was upstairs on one side. I was downstairs on that same side.  She had the height advantage.  She could look across and see the people playing or see could see me if I attempted to get to them.  If I stepped out where she could see me then I risked her being able to shoot me, but if I didn't try then the people in the room who were still oblivious to their danger would surely perish.  I stepped out and yelled as loudly as I could, "get out, there's a shooter."  She was enraged and looked over the balcony and took aim at me.  I briefly saw the people in the room slowly become aware of the gravity of the situation and then I woke up.  The enemy of our souls is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.  It is high time that we as a church wake up and get about the business of giving the last warning to the world.  Jesus is coming very soon.

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