Friday, February 7, 2020

Green Sabbath??????!!!!!!!!

This is the exact thinking that will lead to a national Sunday law. me

Do you see that as good or bad?  Jonathan Schorsch Founder and Director
Professor, Jewish Religious and Intellectual History
Universität Potsdam

We should be allowed to rest according to our conscience not by mandate of a law.  God's Sabbath is the 7th day of the week,  or Saturday.   If you or anyone else tries to tell me that I  must rest on any other day that would go against my conscience.  Just like the 3 Hebrews in Babylon I would have to disobey the law of the land in order to obey God.-me

I am not calling for a sabbath law.  I am calling for people to consult their conscience and push themselves to really refrain from environmentally-destructive behavior one day a week, and not just "rest" in some vague sense.  I don't care which day it is.

But tell me, should we eliminate laws against murder because everyone should only avoid murder out of conscience?  Are you against licensing drivers because everyone should drive well only if her conscience tells her so?  Are you opposed to positive laws, such as mandating recycling or composting?  Opposition to law makes no sense to me.  Conscience is an ideal, but law is what keeps people (or mostly keeps people) from following their worst instincts.  Jonathan

God gave us 10 laws and we can't seem to keep them.  We don't need more laws.  Your premise will lead us to a Sunday law mark my words.  Blessings,  Lisa 

I hear you, Lisa.  According to the Israelites, however, God gave us 613 laws, at least!  I agree that no number of laws seems to have done the magic trick yet of ensuring human goodness.  Neither has conscience, alas.  We're stuck being human.

And are Sunday laws the worst thing in the world?  Worse than no bees, crazy weather, countries becoming uninhabitable due to extreme heat, etc., etc.?  Is our love of freedom, which I value passionately, the very thing that prevents us from controlling ourselves when doing so would be beneficial, healthy and life-saving?

Thanks for your blessing.  I accept.  And thanks for the conversation. Be well, JonathanGreen Sab

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